Achieving the life you desire
You are the creator of your life. Yes, there are other people involved. However, they aren't at the helm. You get to decide who you want to be and where you want to go. You may feel stuck now, but you can get unstuck. It is possible. There are always options. You just need to see them, consider them, and decide what is right for you in the moment.
The life you want to have is in your hands. You can mold your life into something else anytime. You deserve the space for authentic self-expression. It doesn't matter where you are now. No matter how much you've already been through, you can always turn a corner and go in a different direction. It may be a very slow turn as you get your thoughts in order and get clear about what is right for you.
You might change your direction seventeen times before you find a way that feels like a good fit. That's how learning takes place. The idea is that you keep moving in a direction that gels with who you are and what you want your life to look like. Achieving the life you want does not require a direct line from point A to point B. There are bound to be detours along the way. The life you desire can change as you are designing it.
You can create the life you want:
To start, know what you want
Achieving the life you desire is doable. You can get what you want out of life.
When I ask clients what they really want, they don't come up with things like, "I want to live in a huge castle on the top of a hill where I own everything as far as the eye can see." Even kids don't say things like that.
No. They say things like:
No matter where you are now . . .
You can make it happen. You can change your life to have those things. There's nothing holding you back.
Living the life you desire is within reach. You want certain things. There is no reason to deny yourself. You can create the life you desire with a clear conscience.
Your desires and goals are probably similar to what I hear regularly. The things you want aren't "over the top". They are everyday reasonable things. Even your dream life is probably pretty down to Earth.
The life you want to have can be real. Take the time to understand your desires. They are at the core of the life you want to live. Be sure you include them to create the life you want.
When we take the time to find several possibilities, it shows us that we aren't as stuck as we thought we were at first. When your authentic self-expression shows itself, you're on your way. Time well spent loosens up the thought process and opens us up to a variety of possibilities. Often, one stands out above the rest.
Achieving the life you want starts with recognizing the possibilities. Your days are filled with opportunities to create the life you desire.

You're allowed to
change your mind.
Making decisions can cause stress and anxiety. One of the first decisions I remember is when teachers introduced mind-numbing stress and fear in high school. It seems tortuous to expect sixteen-year-olds to decide what they want to do for a living for the rest of their lives. The torture began during junior year and continued throughout senior year. The constant thought in the back of your mind is, "I have to decide what to do before I graduate." Wow! Intense!
You choose a career path and start second-guessing yourself. How can you know you made the right decision? The thing nobody ever tells you is you can always change your mind. You're allowed to change your mind.
Life isn't set in stone from high school on. Stuff will happen. Your interests will change. You will meet new people and learn new things that will excite and motivate you. Through it all, you can always make changes to create the life you want.
Knowing you can change your mind and do something else can help you stay calm while making decisions. Being responsible and committed is well and good, but you need to take care of yourself, too. Continuing to follow a path that isn't taking you where you want to go isn't serving anyone.
I'm not saying to stop, drop everything, and start over. You need to survive. Everyone is in a different situation. Self-sabotage isn't what you want. Figure out where you want to go before you start making changes.
Achieving the life you desire is impossible if you don't know what you want yet. It can take time to gather all the information and knowledge you need to understand your desires and how they fit together. It's your own personal puzzle, and nobody knows what fits except you.
Life is unpredictable. It doesn't happen exactly as we plan. We never know what tomorrow will bring. That's a good thing. It might sound scary at first. We don't think of unpredictability as being helpful. The thing is, unpredictability creates freedom. It is also the enemy of boredom and stagnation.
The life you want to build is interesting. If we knew everything about tomorrow ahead of time, there would be no surprises to delight in. You may need to change plans and find something new to enjoy.
Long-term plans are no different. You can decide to move somewhere else. You can change your mind about your career path. Perhaps you want to take a little detour to quench your curiosity. It's all doable.
When you create the life you desire, it can change with you and your circumstances.

Your life
is yours
Understand Your Desires
It's your life. Do what you want to do with it. Life is to be savored and enjoyed. Make it into what you want.
If you don't build the life you want, who will? There isn't a crowd of people at your door cheering you on to create the life you desire.
We have to think about ourselves. It's not selfish. It's about taking care of yourself.
You can't help anyone else if you haven't helped yourself first. Create the life you want.

You can do well by doing good: It's okay to get what you want.
Making your life interesting, fulfilling, and satisfying doesn't preclude you from doing good things. Being of service is fulfilling. Choosing how you want to contribute to society helps you keep going while providing something useful to others.
Understanding your desires creates direction. We all have our own interests. You can learn how to create a custom-made life that works for you. If everyone could do what they are good at and enjoy, the world would be a better place.
It isn't always necessary to suffer to survive. Yes, there will always be things we need to do that we don't like. Every household and every career has parts we really don't want to do. It is easier to do the icky stuff when the bulk of your time is spent doing things that are in sync with who you are.
You know what will work in your life despite the parts that come with it that are less than great. The life we desire doesn't have to be perfect. When you understand your desires you can put them right up there with your necessities.
I wish everyone were doing things that bring them a feeling of fulfillment and accomplishment. I know that's not reality. My mission is to help one person at a time improve their ratio of icky stuff to satisfying stuff bit by bit.

Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you like it.
You aren't obligated to do things you don't like just because you're good at doing them. Passion, fulfillment, motivation, and satisfaction are not born out of obligation. They come from being true to yourself.
You can be good at more than one thing. You're likely motivated to improve your skills if you love what you're doing.
When we are passionate about a subject, we delve deep into it and learn everything we can about it. We think about it in different ways. It plays around in our minds in the background, and we come up with innovative ideas.
Being outside the box with concepts that resonate with us feels comfortable. It's fun to play around with ideas we're passionate about!
Why do we keep ourselves from experiencing this kind of satisfaction?
What would life be like if you made your living doing something you really liked doing?
How would it move you closer to achieving the life you want?

It's OK to create
the life you want to live.
Meeting your needs
We can be better people when we are getting our needs met. Humans have needs. With met needs, we function better. Unmet needs can leave us cranky, angry, tired, burnt out . . .
To function at our best, we must understand what our needs are. We have to know when our needs aren't being met and how to meet them before we run out of energy.
Trying to push through and get something done while ignoring needs takes more time and energy than taking care of ourselves in the first place. Once we run down, we need to wait to replenish. If we don't let ourselves run down, that saves time and provides more steady energy.
It's like paying attention to how much gas is in your car's tank and stopping to get gas before it runs out. If it runs out, you're stranded at the side of the road waiting for help or walking to the nearest gas station. Either way, it's wasted time. Taking care of your car's needs before they become an emergency makes sense. The same is true for you.
It's a simple concept, but it's not easy. Most of us have been programmed for many years to ignore our needs and focus on the task at hand. We run ourselves into the ground and wonder why we're so sick and tired of being so sick and tired.
When you understand your desires and add them to your needs, voila, you have a better life!
Productivity and needs
Met needs keep you at your peak. You have more energy to expend because you aren't wasting energy dealing with unmet needs. You don't need to endure the exhaustion of neglect to push through and get things done.
It is not necessary to push through pain to prove your worth. You don't need to ignore your needs and prioritize a task to show you are motivated and dedicated.
When unmet needs continue to chip away at your energy, you have less energy to focus on a task. Better focus and more energy to expend equals more productivity.
The more energy you have to expend, the closer you will get to achieving the life you want.
Taking care of your needs is an excellent way to be productive. Time spent on yourself is time well spent.
It's never too late. Always be ready to learn.
There's never a better time than now to get started on doing what you want to do with your life. It might not be your high school dream, but it fits who you are right now. Maybe you've been doing something you liked for quite a while, and it's just not doing it for you now. That's okay.
Who says we need to do the same stuff for our whole lives? You are allowed to change your mind, go a different direction, and follow a new passion.
Life has seasons. Seasons change. You can change, too. You can get into another lane and make a left turn in your life. You aren't being reckless. It is possible to make a safe left turn. You do it in your car all the time. Remember, you're allowed to change your mind. You're in charge of your own destiny.
If your dream is to get a college degree, it's not too late. If it was hard when you were younger, you might find that knowing yourself better and your life experience makes it a more doable undertaking now. You've grown into yourself, know what you want, and know what you need to keep you going and accomplish it.
You can have the life you want no matter where you are now. It doesn't matter what you know or don't know. You can always learn and figure things out. Nobody can stop you from using your brain.

Create the life you desire: Building your vision
No matter where you are now, you can start by exploring your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations. Wander around in your mind and see what you discover.
The more time you spend with yourself, the deeper you can go into all the parts that make you. The time you spend contemplating each part and what it does for you can give you a clearer picture of where you want to go next and where you want to put your energy.
Asking yourself questions can help you on your way. If the questions make you think about things you've never thought about much, you could be on the cusp of something life-changing.
If not, turn the page and ask yourself about another aspect of your life or another hope, dream, or aspiration. Keep going until you feel good about what you've come up with and are ready to start going in a new direction.
You don't have to hold on to things in your life that are no longer working. You are allowed to change your mind and start something new.
If you've been waiting for permission, or something else, to start building the life you want, here it is. You are the only one who can make your dreams come true. You are the only one who knows the right way to do it. You already have what it takes. You just have to start.
No matter where you are now in your life, you can make it into one you really want to live. It doesn't matter if you're already stable, happy and educated. You can get all those things.
There is nothing to wait for. Creating the life you desire naturally leads to happiness and stability. It's about living the good life, the life you want. It's okay to want these things.
The things we want: Achieving the life you desire
Here are a few questions to prime your thoughts and help get you started. As you ask yourself the following questions, be as specific as possible as you consider all your thoughts. Take your time. Include as many details as you can.

Questions to create the life you desire
People rarely take the time to hone in on what they really want. No matter where you are now in your life, investing some time into thinking about your future and what you are hoping for could make a big difference in your quality of life.
Take your time. Indulge in some different kinds of thoughts. Explore the ideas that come up and get creative. You never know what you'll discover.
These questions are a starting place. They are intended to be inspirational, not a definitive guide. Ask yourself questions that make sense to you and fit with your life.
Come back later
After your ideas have been swimming around in your head for a while, return to the questions and add more details to your answers.The idea of living the life you desire can take a while to solidify.
The more details you have, the more precise your ideas will become until you've identified a clear picture of your desired outcome.
Achieving the life you want
No matter where you are now in the process, you can get to where you want to be in your life. You may have heard things to the contrary, but you know those things aren't true. You have created a collection of images, ideas, goals, strengths, skills, and passions. You don't need to find or develop some incredible secret power to do what you want to do. You already have everything it takes.
Don't forget
Take a close look at your environment. Is it supporting you or using your energy just to be there? An environment that meets your needs helps you be productive and doesn't needlessly use up your energy.
Good health increases energy. Eat foods that support the healthy functioning of your brain. Your brain will serve you best when you eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.
Micronutrients found in nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens support your brain in making decisions that fit your plans.
Stay Focused
Keep yourself on track to do what you want to do. When you follow your passions, values, and dreams, your actions will remind you where you want to go. You will make progress when you stick to what you want and avoid getting sidetracked by shiny things.
Challenges will arise. Stay focused on your goals, and you won't waste time. Instead, stay on your road to success. You'll be able to spend more time living life on your terms. It's going to be rewarding.

Hang out with successful people with large goals and similar values.
Spending time with people who want the same things you want creates an environment for success. If you have big goals and want to do big things and spend the bulk of your time with people who are content to stay with the status quo, they could slow you down.
Being with movers and shakers provides an environment for progress and change. As you spend more time together, you create opportunities to get feedback, discuss helpful tools, and share what's working. Intentional action is contagious.
A positive environment of support helps you move toward what you want. People who are doing the kinds of things you want to do will be encouraging and help carry you through slow or challenging times.
Being part of a progressive group of people who believe in themselves sets you up for success.
Living the life you desire can become your reality.
give it some time to infuse into your thought process.