Mental Health Therapist Online California: Counselor in California

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Chronic Illness and Pain Counseling California|Therapist for Medical Trauma|Chronic Illness and Pain Online Therapy, California

Woman on couch reading a magazine and considering chronic illness therapy online.

You can stay home and rest with chronic illness therapy online.

Online Therapy For Medical Conditions to help with Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, and Challenging Medical Diagnoses

Serving California, Florida, and Nevada

Chronic illness impacts every aspect of life. It can be very time consuming and exhausting. Always feeling ill can get in the way of relationships and having a social life. You can be limited in your career choices. Chronic conditions and pain can make small tasks take an inordinate amount of time that others just can’t understand.

Someone may have told you that your condition is caused by depression or anxiety. When medical issues are hidden, practitioners often see the psychological effects and refer for mental health care. That is backward. Simply put, pervasive physical issues and pain makes people depressed and anxious. The medical issues is still there and needs to be addressed in order to calm the psychological reaction.

Depression and anxiety make sense and often come with medical conditions. Constantly feeling ill gets in the way of daily life. Unfortunately, depression and anxiety can actually make your symptoms much worse. Treating depression and anxiety with a therapist for chronic conditions can help ease the impact of symptoms, no matter if you have a physical diagnosis yet or not.

Check your medications to see if depression or anxiety are possible side effects. If so, talk to your doctor about an alternative treatment. If you are living with a chronic disease, chances are that you have options. You can also address your physical issues and your mental health with chronic illness therapy online. A chronic illness counselor can help you traverse the medical system.

No wonder you feel depressed and anxious. You have difficulty completing every day tasks that others do without thinking about them. Your condition makes you take every little thing you do into account to get through the day. You need to focus on what is getting in your way and work on improving your quality of life. You need to address your physical and emotional needs to make progress. Chronic illness counseling in California can help you get on track to improve your everyday experiences and increase your quality of life.

With chronic illness and pain online therapy, California residents can work on whatever is most important to them first. We will not waste time on things that are not in the forefront of your mind. We will get right to what's important to you in your first session.

Manage Your Symptoms with Counseling for Medical Conditions

Persistent symptoms can be challenging to manage on your own. Many people with chronic conditions live with daily pain, fatigue, and other symptoms that make it hard to do everyday tasks. Managing persistent symptoms can be especially challenging if you don't have support from family or friends. Working with a chronic illness therapist online can help you deal with your daily symptoms.

Here are some tips for managing a your daily symptoms:

Be proactive about your health.

Make sure to see your doctor regularly prepared with questions you want to ask and information to share.

Educate yourself about your Condition.

There are many excellent books and websites that can help you learn more about your condition.

Find support groups online or in your community.

Talking to others who understand what you're going through can be helpful.

Look for products that reduce your symptoms.

Every little thing you can do to make yourself more comfortable adds up.

Ask for help when you need it.

Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It is difficult to ask for help. It can be difficult to ask for help. If you struggle to accept help, chronic illness counseling in California can help you become more comfortable relying on others when you are in need of support.

Blue mountains with a gradient going from darker in the foreground to lighter in the background to depict the calming effect of chronic illness and pain counseling california.

Chronic Illness and Pain Online Therapy, California 

Benefits of Chronic Illness Therapy Online

Chronic illness can be debilitating, and traditional therapy is not an option for many people. Getting to appointments is a barrier to treatment. Just getting out of the house can be a massive production. The energy required to do everything necessary to leave home can cause such exhaustion you have to cancel plans.

Making appointments can be stressful when you never know how you will feel from day to day or hour to hour. With so many variables at play, you would need a crystal ball to guarantee attendance.

If this describes you, virtual sessions may be the best option. Chronic illness and pain counseling California offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Anonymity - You can be comfortable discussing personal issues anonymously when you live in a different location than your counselor.
  • Privacy - Online therapy is a confidential option. There is no chance anyone you know will see you coming or going from a mental health office.
  • Convenience - Participating in sessions virtually does not require you to get ready to leave the house and travel to an office to receive services. All you have to do is log in. Meeting virtually with a chronic illness counselor can be a great option if you live far from mental health services, have trouble getting to appointments, or don't want to use your limited energy traveling.
  • Accessibility - Choosing online therapy for chronic pain and medical conditions allows you to find a professional specializing in counseling for medical conditions.
  • Flexibility - Working with a chronic illness therapist allows you to schedule sessions when you are at your best. You won't need to use precious energy to prepare for your appointment. You can join a session from bed if necessary.
  • Individualized treatment - Sessions can be tailored to meet your individual needs. If something new comes up, we will address that concern right away. We will never ignore what is foremost in your mind. Your therapist for chronic conditions will always listen and work on what is important to you. Chronic illness counseling in California is designed to meet your individual needs.

Chronic Illness Therapy Online Can Help You Live a Better Life with Chronic Illness, a Medical Issue, or Chronic Pain 

Chronic illnesses are medical issues that can last for a long time and cause serious health problems. The symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. People living with constant symptoms need to see medical professionals regularly and take medication to control their symptoms. While there is no cure for chronic illness, there are ways to manage the symptoms and live a better life. One of these ways is regular mental health care. Seeing your chronic illness therapist online saves you the time and energy of going to yet another appointment. Regular therapy sessions can help you manage your symptoms and get the necessary care. 

By using chronic illness and pain online therapy, California residents have better access to a qualified mental health professional who specializes in medical issues.

Three woman socializing on a balcony after one has gone to chronic illness and pain counseling.

Learn To Cope With Your Diagnosis With Chronic Illness And Pain Counseling 

It can be difficult to cope when first diagnosed. You may feel scared, alone, or overwhelmed. You may wander what the the next step is for you. It is important to seek counseling to help you deal with your diagnosis.

A counselor can help you understand your condition and learn how to manage your symptoms. They can also provide support and guidance as you adjust to your new life. Online therapy for chronic pain and medical conditions is a specialty. Most mental health providers don't have experience or training in counseling for medical conditions. It may be difficult to find someone to work with who is comfortable with your experiences and really knows what it's like to live with a medical condition every day. You might be more comfortable with a counselor who is in a similar situation. Since this is a specialty, you will probably have better luck if you search your entire state for someone who provides teletherapy. Working online increases your search area and increases your odds of finding a counselor who your feel comfortable with and shares some of your symptoms.

Chronic illness and pain counseling, California: Working with a therapist for chronic conditions who lives with and understands life with persistent symptoms can help you better understand and cope with your condition. You can learn the ins and outs of traversing the medical system and get ideas for improving your quality of life.

Man with hand on head in a simulated storm with clouds and lightning who needs online therapy for chronic pain.

Online Therapy for Chronic Pain

How Your Brain Perceives Pain

Pain perception is complex. It involves both physiological and psychological processes. How our brains interpret and make sense of those signals goes beyond simply sending signals from the body to the brain. Many variables can be involved in the process of perceiving pain. Pain is what your brain perceives it to be.

Pain perception is not only linked to the severity of tissue damage, a broken bone, or a joint dislocation. The process depends on how the brain sees and analyzes the input from the body. How our brains evaluate and integrate sensory inputs and emotional responses play a part in the message we receive about what is happening in our body.

Many factors, including past experiences, expectations, cultural beliefs, state of mind, and mood, influence perceptions of pain. The subjective way our brains choose what to highlight, and the impact of cognitive appraisal sharpens our overall experience of pain.

Pain is not an objective measure of bodily harm. It is an intricate mix of messages sent to the brain that represent physical sensations and cognitive evaluations. Whatever is in that mix ultimately dictates perception and our response to it. The multifaceted nature of pain perception leaves space for us to intervene and create a more personalized response that includes physical symptoms and the complexities of individual experiences with pain.

How the brain interprets pain signals

The complex sensory experience of pain and its message involves delicate communication between the body and the brain. Deviations can change the message. We can take advantage of this delicate process and introduce additional information to alter the pain message.

When we are injured, acute pain tells us there is immediate danger and to pay attention right away. Specialized nerve cells called nociceptors send signals to the brain to sound the danger alarm. The brain plays a significant role in interpreting and modulating these signals. It's not just a straight line where the signals reach the brain and we feel pain. There's more going on.

The brain receives the signals and processes them in different areas. The brain regions responsible for sensory perception, emotion, and cognition are involved in the process. Multiple factors can influence how we perceive pain, from past experiences and present emotional states to cultural influences. Studies have shown that psychological factors like stress or anxiety can amplify or diminish how we experience pain. The intricate relationship between mind and body shows how processing painful stimuli can be interrupted.

Chronic Pain and Acute Pain

There is a difference between how each person experiences pain. There are so many ways we can influence pain signals. Different underlying meanings come with pain. They don't always match the reason for the pain or how we experience it. Chronic pain and acute pain have different purposes. However, they don't always regulate the pain level to match the circumstance.

Acute pain intends to warn. Its job is to let you know you need to take action immediately. The pain you feel when you touch a hot stove is acute. Your brain tells you the stove is on and to take your hand away before you get hurt.

Acute pain can also let you know you have injured yourself by accident but can't see it. The symptoms of a heart attack can produce pain that spurs you into action so you can get medical attention.
Acute pain is necessary. It is about safety. It's a friendly pain that takes care of you and tells you how bad an injury is, so you know what to do. The pain level can tell you to get a bandage or send you to the emergency room.

Chronic pain is a whole different story. Instead of coming in a burst to keep you safe, chronic pain lingers. It has no immediate message. Most likely, you already know the underlying cause and are addressing it the best you can. We don't see a clear purpose for chronic pain. It's just there underlying everything in our life with a constant reminder that we have a chronic condition.

We can alter chronic pain. Research suggests chronic pain conditions may involve changes in how the brain processes pain signals over time. The brain's ability to reorganize itself in response to new situations or changes can heighten pain sensitivity or dampen its effects through adaptation.

Neuroplasticity, or the power the brain has to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, makes this possible.
You can encourage neuroplasticity to work in your favor. By changing your routine to include physical therapy and talk therapy, you can work towards rewiring your brain to reduce the intensity of pain signals and improve overall quality of life. Chronic pain usually requires us to create a routine that reduces pain experiences and work closely with healthcare providers to address both the physical and psychological aspects of pain.

Understanding how the brain interprets pain signals sheds light on why we experience pain differently and opens up new avenues for more creative and effective interventions that target neural processing rather than just masking symptoms.

Things that influence pain perception

Psychological experiences such as mood, stress levels, and past trauma play a significant role in how we perceive and interpret pain. Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of anxiety or depression often report higher levels of pain intensity compared to those who self-report a higher sense of well-being.

Social and cultural factors can also impact pain perception. Research has found that individuals from cultures emphasizing stoicism may downplay pain symptoms. In contrast, those from cultures where discomfort is more acceptable may report higher perceived pain levels. These findings suggest that beliefs and attitudes about pain are crucial in how we experience 

Those more attuned to their body's internal cues may be more sensitive to stimuli and have increased awareness of physiological changes and how they impact their central nervous system. The intricate intertwining of psychological, social, and biological factors influences our perception of pain

Emotions and pain perception

Our brains are powerful interpreters of our experiences. Emotions can heavily influence how we perceive pain. Fear or anxiety can amplify the intensity of physical discomfort. Studies show emotions like stress can lower pain thresholds, making us more sensitive to sensations that we might find negligible in a different situation.

Emotions and pain perception can work in the other direction. Pain can cause emotional responses. Chronic pain conditions often lead to depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, and hopelessness. Demotions can travel up and down with your pain. As emotions and pain play off each other, your psychological state shapes your subjective experience of discomfort.

Our brains are powerful interpreters of our experiences. Emotions can heavily influence how we perceive pain. Fear or anxiety can amplify the intensity of physical discomfort. Studies show emotions like stress can lower pain thresholds, making us more sensitive to sensations that we might find negligible in a different situation.

Emotions and pain perception can work in the other direction. Pain can cause emotional responses. Chronic pain conditions often lead to depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, and hopelessness. Demotions can travel up and down with your pain. As emotions and pain play off each other, your psychological state shapes your subjective experience of discomfort.

Foods to manage pain

What you eat is a big part of managing pain. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, tea, whole grains, beans, fruits, herbs, and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation that contributes to pain. Staying hydrated can also play a significant role in controlling chronic pain conditions. Green and black tea are the most anti-inflammatory beverages.

How Online Therapy for Chronic Pain Helps

People find relief from their symptoms with traditional medical care that includes medication and physical therapy. However, sometimes, these treatments are not enough. You may find yourself experiencing depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and self-worth issues.

With online therapy, you meet with your counselor over the internet. There's no need to go through the exhausting and painful process of getting ready to leave the house. Counseling for medical conditions can treat various conditions, including chronic pain, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues that co-exist with chronic illnesses. Therapists specializing in chronic pain can help you find solutions to manage your pain.

Many conditions are associated with pain that's often difficult to manage, including Back pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Diabetes, Ehlers Danols Syndrome (EDS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and other conditions.

When these conditions are combined with pain, the symptoms can be even more severe. Online therapy for chronic pain and medical conditions can make professional support a reality. It may be the additional support you need.

Dealing With Your Emotions, Challenges, Overwhelm, And Self-Worth Alone Can Be Exhausting And Confusing

  • Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

Permit yourself to feel what you're feeling. All of your feelings are valid, no matter how "negative" they may seem. Allow yourself time and space to feel them fully. It's okay to be authentic.

Make time for yourself each day. Nurturing yourself could be as simple as taking a relaxing bath, reading your favorite book, listening to music, doing a craft, coloring, watching birds outside your window, or taking a walk in nature. Taking some time for yourself each day can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Connect with others. Invite friends over to hang out with you or meet with them virtually. The social part of your brain helps you cope with stress and anxiety.

Join a support group. You can learn a lot from others who are living with similar challenges. It's also nice to be with people who really get it.

Relax before bed. At night, try to read a book or listen to some music. Any activity you find calming is a good evening activity. Relaxing can help you fall asleep more easily, reducing stress and anxiety.

Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is vital for your health and well-being. Strive to get at least 7 hours a night. Changing your sleep patterns might require attention to your sleep hygiene and some kind of sleep aid if your pain keeps you awake. If you haven't slept enough in a while, try going to bed earlier and resting throughout the day.

Eat healthy foods as close to their natural state as possible. Your body and brain need healthy foods to function well and repair. A healthy diet will also help reduce stress and anxiety. Healthy foods can help reduce brain fog, improve brain function and make you feel better. Some healthy foods to incorporate into your diet to support healing are vegetables, dark leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Develop a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude when living with your condition is imperative. A negative attitude increases pain and stress and worsens anxiety, especially if you don't think things will ever improve.

Hold on to hope. It's important to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Don't spend time worrying about the future or what others think. You can still enjoy life despite pain.

Focus on what you can do. Rather than ruminating over everything wrong in your life and things you used to be able to do, think about what you can do. Focusing on what's possible helps to keep you hopeful and illuminates your value.

Talk to someone. Talking with a friend or family member can make all the difference in how you feel about things, especially on difficult days filled with pain, exhaustion, depression, and anxiety. Talk to someone you trust and can be honest with if you feel stressed out and down. Being heard and validated can be soothing.

Journal. If you are struggling with symptoms and it's not getting better, maybe it's time to start writing in a journal. It can be a beneficial tool to help you sort out your thoughts and feelings. It can help you get your feelings out, relieve stress, and improve your mood. You may find that writing helps you feel better.

Meditate. Meditation is a great way to help yourself relax and can change how you feel. It can be like a mini-vacation. Focusing on meditating helps clear your mind, helping you feel better. It's also a great way to take a break and get your mind off things, so you don't worry. Even a short two or three-minute meditation can be rejuvenating.

A macrame of colorful cords to depict the connection of pain management with mental Health and physical health.

Mental health and physical Health are connected. Both help address pain management: .

Mental Health and Physical Health are Connected.

The connection between mental and physical health

There are several ways mental and physical health are connected. Someone who is physically healthy is more likely to be mentally healthy. Physical health problems can lead to mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Mental health problems can lead to physical health problems, including poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, and medical issues that stem from them. Chronic stress can lead to mental health problems like anxiety or depression and physical health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Many physical health problems can be supported by a mental health professional. Medical treatment typically doesn't cover the mental health aspects of medical conditions. A therapist for chronic conditions can help you with coping skills, alternative thought processes, and mental health conditions often accompanying physical issues.

The connection between mental and physical health is clear. What happens to you physically also happens to your mind. Taking care of your body is linked to your mental health, and caring for your emotional well-being impacts how your body functions. Chronic illness counseling in California can support you through the process of understanding your condition and making adjustments to let joy into your life.

How your mental health affects your physical health 

Mental health issues can take a toll on your physical health. Poor mental health can lead to chronic stress, leading to physical problems like heart disease, digestive issues, and sleep problems.

It's important to remember that taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. If you want to be physically healthy, pay attention to your mental health.

How your physical health can affect your mental health

Your physical health can significantly impact your mental health. If you're not feeling well physically, it can be hard to focus on anything else. When you're in pain or uncomfortable, it's tough to feel good mentally.

Physical health and mental health are connected in other ways, too. If you have a chronic illness like diabetes, you may also deal with depression or anxiety. If you're dealing with an addiction, your physical health can suffer. Medical issues that include chronic pain can lead to mood fluctuations, anger, relationship problems, memory issues, altered perceptions, problems with cognition, emotional instability, depression, and anxiety.

Take care of your physical health so that you can feel your best mentally. Eating nutritious foods, visiting your doctor to address any medical concerns, and getting enough sleep are imperative for maintaining good physical health. And when you feel good physically, it can be easier to manage stress and anxiety and to enjoy life more overall.

The importance of keeping both your mental and physical health in check. Online Therapy for Chronic Pain and Medical Conditions

Your mental and physical health are strongly connected. It is essential to pay attention to both aspects of your health. When one is not balanced, the other usually isn't either.

Good mental health helps you to cope with daily stress and manage your emotions. It also enables you to make healthy choices for your physical well-being.

If you're not feeling well physically or mentally, take action. Don't ignore it. Talk to your doctor or a therapist for chronic conditions about what you're going through. Explain your symptoms and develop a plan of action before things get worse. Taking care of yourself is crucial for a happy and healthy life.

Online therapy for chronic pain and medical conditions can help you get the care you need without leaving home. It makes it easier to get help by removing some of the barriers that often get in the way of your well-being. By finding a mental health professional who understands chronic illness and what it's like to live the chronic illness life of illness research, trying new treatments and educating doctors about your condition, you can feel comfortable talking about your daily issues.

Woman with chronic illness at work looking for California therapists illness.

A chronic illness counselor can help you find relief.

Chronic illness counseling in California:

Online Therapy for Chronic Pain Is Vital When Changes In Mood Seriously Impact Your Life

Chronic pain is a serious issue that can impact all aspects of your life.  Working with a counselor well versed in medical issues can help you manage your pain and improve your quality of life. Online therapy provides access to a professional who can help you manage your chronic pain and work through the challenges it causes.

If you don't get the medical care you need or are dismissed by medical professionals, your emotional and physical pain can add up and lead to medical trauma. You can get support to work through the psychological impact with medical trauma therapy online.

Finding relief from your chronic pain, fatigue, and stress can be incredibly taxing on your mind and body. Not only do you have to cope with your physical symptoms, but you also have to manage the stress and fatigue that comes with it. A chronic illness counselor can help you find relief from your chronic pain, fatigue, and depression. They can provide support and guidance as you learn to live with and manage your symptoms. If you're struggling to cope, consider professional help. Online therapy for chronic pain can be vital when mood changes seriously impact your life. If you're struggling or simply seeking support and guidance, chronic illness therapy online can provide you with the support you need

Woman who works with a therapist for medical trauma practicing mobility.

Working with a therapist for medical trauma can help you with your recovery from a physical or emotional injury.

What is Medical Trauma? 

Medical trauma is a term used to describe a physical or emotional injury caused by an accident, botched surgery or medical procedure, a sudden event, or an unfavorable experience interacting with the medical community.

The bodily injury can range from minor cuts to severe head injuries. Both physical and emotional experiences can lead to problems. Medical trauma can also cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a condition that can occur after someone has experienced a traumatic event. Medical trauma therapy online can help you through the traumatic experience and help you develop the confidence to manage your medical issues without being overwhelmed or dismissed.

Common Causes of Medical Trauma

Several different things can cause medical trauma. You could experience medical trauma after an encounter with the hospital or even the treatment or testing you receive for your condition. Suffering emotionally after a traumatic experience related to your treatment or being treated dismissively by medical professionals can also be traumatic. In that case, a therapist for medical trauma can help you understand what's going on and how to cope and move forward.

 A wide variety of big and small incidents can cause medical trauma. The most common causes include car accidents, falls, and violence. Medical procedures or injuries can also cause trauma during treatment.

Medical trauma can be a result of your experience with medical professionals. It can be caused by how they treat you, the words they say to you, dismissive treatment, or how they behave. Any time you have a negative experience with a doctor, nurse, technician, or any other medical staff member, it can cause trauma.

Although the cause may differ, the effects of medical trauma are often similar. Victims may experience physical injuries, such as broken bones or lacerations. They may also suffer from emotional trauma, which can be just as damaging as physical injuries. Untreated, the effects of medical trauma can be long-lasting and even life-threatening. It is essential to understand and deal with medical trauma to overcome it. Medical trauma therapy online can guide yu through the process of recovery.

Medical Trauma Counseling Can Help. 

Young man recieving medical trauma counseling.

Medical trauma counseling can provide the support you need after a traumatic medical event.

In the aftermath of a traumatic event, you may feel confused and overwhelmed. You may struggle to cope with your emotions, making it difficult to return to your everyday life. Medical trauma counseling is a form of therapy that can provide the support you need after a traumatic medical event. A therapist for medical trauma can help you process your experience and emotions and deal with any associated challenges. If you have difficulty traveling, medical trauma therapy online can provide you with the support you need without leaving home.

There are ways to avoid some kinds of medical trauma in the first place, including preparing for surgery, asking questions, providing research, and being an active participant in your health care.

Find a chronic illness therapist that's                                  right for you in                                        Florida, Nevada, & California. 

Living in constant discomfort is difficult. It's important to remember you are not alone. Many resources, including counselors and therapists, are available to help you manage your symptoms. If you are looking for a counselor specializing in chronic illnesses, here are a few tips to help you find the right one.

Think about what you want from therapy. 

Do you need someone who will only provide emotional support? Or would you prefer someone who can help you manage your condition and related emotional issues? What do you hope to get out of working with a therapist for chronic illness? Finding a chronic illness therapist who understands what it's like living with daily medical issues can most likely meet your needs better than one who mostly works with emotional issues.

Do you want a mental health professional who specializes? 

Therapists specializing in chronic pain and illness can be more difficult to find, but they can offer you treatment that you can't get from a professional who doesn't understand what you're going through. A therapist for chronic conditions who has experience with persistent medical issues can provide you with a full spectrum of care without causing your medical trauma.

If you want a mental health professional who can meet your unique needs, instead of searching for "therapist chronic illness" or "chronic illness therapist" and your city or "chronic pain therapist near me," try a broader approach with:

"California therapists illness"

"chronic illness counseling California"

"therapist chronic illness California"

"chronic illness counseling in California"

"chronic illness and pain online therapy California"

"chronic illness and pain counseling California"

These search terms will provide you with more options for professionals trained in online therapy for chronic pain and medical conditions. They give you the opportunity to interview a greater number of mental health professionals so you can choose the one that feels like the best fit for your personality and the issues you want to explore. 

Working with a chronic illness therapist online is your best bet for a good fit and quality therapeutic care. It will also help you attend more sessions since you won't have to travel to receive services.

The therapeutic relationship is the most important component in successful mental health treatment. It is extremely important that you feel comfortable with your therapist. 

A woman with her doctor receiving a life-long diagnosis and feeling the need to find a chronic illness therapist with chronic illness.

How chronic illness therapist with chronic illness can support you.

My clients often find me after they’ve tried working with at least one mental health provider without lived experience with chronic illness and pain. They have been misunderstood by chronic illness counselors and often dismissed by their loved ones, doctors, and friends. They have struggled with employment and are about to give up trying to live in a world where nobody understands them and their medical issues. 

Finding chronic illness also living with chronic illness and pain can be difficult. As a chronic illness therapist with chronic illness, I have a unique understanding and real life experience dealing with all the things that come with chronic illnesses. I know firsthand what it’s like to feel lost in the medical system with no good answers. I have grieved the many losses that my illnesses have caused. 

I love connecting with others who have had similar experiences traversing life with chronic illness. We understand each other. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing my clients become more confident in living with life-long medical conditions. Asking for help and standing up for yourself to get your needs met isn’t easy. It takes a lot of research, planning, and energy. 

I am often asked about what illnesses and conditions I have experience working with and which ones I live with. 

I have several medical conditions that color my everyday life:

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS)

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS or MCAD)



Chronic Fatigue



As a therapist for chronic conditions, I have worked with many clients who share some of the same conditions I live with. I've also supported clients with the following medical issues:


Heart Disease

Congestive heart failure

Hypertension (High blood pressure)

High cholesterol

High triglycerides


Lipid disorder



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)



Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS)

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS)

Gastrointestinal issues



Celiac Disease

Craniocervical Instability

Chiari Malformation

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Tethered Cord Syndrome


Lyme disease


Restless Leg Syndrome

Sleep Disorders

Transverse Myelitis

Spinal Cord Injuries

Brain Tumor

Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease

Crohn’s Disease

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Hereditary alpha-tryptasemia (HαT)

Muscular Dystrophy

Multiple Sclerosis

Autoimmune disorders

Genetic Disorders

Nerve and Pain syndromes

Emotional support following diagnosis

When you receive a medical diagnosis for a chronic illness, stress, fear, and anxiety come with it. This doesn’t mean you are emotionally unstable. It means that the diagnosis has changed your life, and you have lots to learn and adjustments to make. Dealing with chronic illness goes far beyond doctor’s appointments and medications. It impacts every part of your life. 

Dealing with diagnosis emotions

Having a new diagnosis is much more than learning about your illness and how to take care of yourself. It can shake your whole life's foundation. It raises uncertainties about how you see yourself, your relationships, and your place in society and makes you think about your plans for the future. You need to find strategies to help you overcome the obstacles that come with your diagnosis and make changes to maximize your quality of life. Dealing with diagnosis emotions requires looking at every aspect of your life. It is about finding what changes will work for you in your situation and how to handle your symptoms.

A chronic illness therapist with chronic illness can help you look at your illness from many different perspectives. They will understand you differently than a therapist with some training to work with clients who live with daily illness. Working with someone whit personal experience living with similar challenges comes with insight and experience that only grows from life experience. You need support you as you find what works for you. 

Finding a chronic illness therapist who understands what you are going through will make your counseling experience more comfortable and satisfying. 

Undoubtedly, the internet has revolutionized how people access information and services. 

  • Online therapy may be a good option if you are struggling with a persistent condition. You do not have to leave your house or make a special trip to see a mental health professional. With online services, you can access the care you need without relying on others for transportation and exhausting yourself. Chronic illness and pain online therapy California provides services that are accessible from the comfort of your own home.

Working with a professional mental health provider who understands chronic illness can make a big difference in your progress.

I'm a chronic illness therapist and live with several chronic illnesses and pain. I'm a therapist for chronic conditions who really understands what it's like to live every day with pain and the limitations of continually not feeling well. I understand the daily impacts. I will always treat you with kindness and respect. I genuinely care. I will not dismiss you, blame you for your condition or tell you things like, “you would be be fine if only you would exercise more, do yoga or lose weight.” I have helped many clients traverse the medical system and gain access to the healthcare they need. Together we can explore your experience to find your own unique solutions. We can focus on what you can do to build a life you will enjoy.

Rachelle’s Address and Phone

111 Bank Street, #199
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 263-1413

LMFT #119841

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Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, therapist, and counselor providing therapy, counseling, coaching to children, teens, millennials, xennials, professionals, entrepreneurs for anxiety, stress, self esteem, addiction, alcohol and substance abuse, codependency/codependent relationships, dating, heartbreak/breakups, perfectionism, people pleasing and setting boundaries. LMFT counseling and therapy in Placer County near Auburn, Applegate, Colfax, Lincoln, Meadow Vista, Roseville, Rocklin and Weimar. LMFT counseling and therapy in Nevada County near Nevada City, Grass Valley, North San Juan, Washington, Rough and Ready, Cedar Ridge, Chicago Park, Alta Sierra, Lake of the Pines, Lake Wildwood, and French Corral.

Happily servicing zip codes in Placer County 95602, 95603, 95604, 95631, 95648, 95661, 95677, 95703, 95713, 95713, 95714, 95715, 95717, 95722, 95736, 95746, 95746, 95747, 95765.

Happily servicing zip codes in Nevada County 95712, 95724, 95728, 95924, 95945, 95946, 95949, 95959, 95960, 95975, 95986.

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