Therapy for Health at Every Size (HAES) can help you trust your intuition, increase your self-awareness and become the best version of yourself.
Health at Every Size Affirmative Therapy (HAES)
The Health at Every Size (HAES) approach addresses the weight bias and stigma that people living with extra pounds experience. You are, first and foremost, a valuable human being. The concept of HAES looks beyond weight status as a healthy outcome. A weight-neutral approach to psychotherapy allows us to look at your unique social challenges and how you experience weight stigma and bias. It also allows us to take all weight issues off the table if that is most helpful. Health at Every Size Affirmative Therapy follows these principals.
Many clients with chronic health issues struggle with weight loss and experience doctors blaming all their medical problems on their weight. It is common to be neglected by medical professionals who believe patients are overweight because they have neglected their health, are too lazy to exercise, and are resistant to the recommendations of medical professionals. This thought process often gets in the way of a proper diagnosis and treatment for the condition that is causing the weight gain. Health at Every Size Affirmative Therapy can help you take control of your medical care.
A weight-neutral approach to psychotherapy helps leave space to explore all aspects of your life without blaming all your problems on weight and disregarding the rest. We will take into account everything important to you.
There are many aspects of health. Weight should not get in the way of recognizing them. The presence or absence of any one aspect of health does not define you. Just as society is working to destigmatize mental health diagnoses, we should also be working to remove the stigma around weight.
We can interpret health as points on a spectrum. Weight doesn't automatically put you at the lowest end of the spectrum. There are many other factors to be considered. Better health is attainable for anyone, no matter where you are on the spectrum when you begin and which issues you choose to address. You can have the healthy lifestyle you want.
Mental health and physical health are intertwined. When we feel better mentally, we often feel better physically and vice versa. Health, both physical and mental, is something you can achieve despite your current abilities, condition, or level of functioning. You get to choose what you want for yourself. You are not obligated to make changes that don't fit with who you are or your idea of your future.
With Health at Every Size Affirmative Therapy, you will receive respectful care. You will never be judged or have values pushed on you. You are a unique individual and deserve to be valued for that. You can learn to trust your intuition and increase your self-awareness to meet your physical and emotional needs.
Working with an Online HAES Therapist
There are benefits of working with an online HAES therapist. First, you know you will be treated with respect. If you're not comfortable talking about your issues in person, meeting online gives you a buffer. Online therapy allows you to communicate privately with your therapist, making you feel more comfortable sharing sensitive information. You will not see anyone you know at a mental health office. You can easily fit appointments into your life without scheduling extra travel time. If you have health problems that make leaving home a hassle or a busy lifestyle, meeting online is a convenient option.
The best thing about online HAES therapy is it's tailored specifically to your needs. When we work together, I'll focus on what is important to you regarding your health and well-being, regardless of your size. I provide online support for people who want to improve their physical and mental health by embracing their bodies and feeling confident in their sizes.
Online HAES Therapy
You can be happy and healthy regardless of your weight or size. You have the right to live in a body you feel comfortable in, free from judgment or discrimination. Working with an online HAES therapist online can create a safe environment for you to move forward and live the life you want.