Losing a loved one can be extremely intense and painful. The mixture of shock, sadness and confusion that comes with it can be quite overwhelming. The grief process is a very individual thing. No right or wrong way to grieve exists.
Everyone goes about grief differently and experiences different stages in different order for different lengths of time. No matter who you lose, whether the loss was sudden or expected, it has an impact on your daily life. You might even be surprised at the depth of your grief for someone you didn’t even know very well. All grief is valid.
Grief is not only connected to death. It can be connected to any large loss. You may feel grief at the loss of a relationship, a divorce or the loss of a job. You can feel grief after any major life change. Feeling grief with the diagnosis of a chronic illness is common. You can experience loss associated with changes in your physical ability and energy levels. You may grieve the loss of your professional identity, your hopes and dreams, or your expectations for your future.