Mental Health Therapist Online California: Counselor in California

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With virtual counseling, you can increases your confidentiality to protect your reputation and privacy so you can relax and focus on your sobriety.

You are not alone. You are not weak. You are not strange or worthless. There is no need to be ashamed. When you examine it, a cycle caused by brain dysfunction and most likely linked to traumatic experiences, environmental factors, or genetics.

Your compulsive behaviors and cravings cause you to get stuck in a never-ending cycle of giving in to your vice. It doesn't seem to matter how dire the circumstances become. The craving is stronger. You just keep indulging and indulging despite the consequences.

Dependence on substances is much more common than most people think. Research shows that 1 in 3 people is addicted to something. That "something" ranges from things like shopping and food to gambling, drugs and alcohol.

In short, “something” is messing with your life in a way that controls you, disrupts your life, takes your time and causes you harm. Your “something” could be alcohol, drugs, work, nicotine, gambling, food, shopping, gaming, pornography or any number of things. No matter what is disrupting your life, you can get back your control and live life on your terms. Online therapy for addiction recovery can help.

Types of Addiction

Many people experience a mix of different types of addictions. The most common types are:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Drugs
  • Behaviors
  • Shopping
  • Gambling
  • Video gaming
  • Food

Alcohol: Overuse of alcohol is widespread. It can fly under the radar as an undiagnosed substance use disorder due to social acceptance. Binge drinking is a dangerous issue that is a big part of socializing for young adults. 

Many people don't have an issue keeping their alcohol use at a responsible level. However, misuse can have serious consequences, including health problems, cognitive impairment, and sudden death in the case of binge drinking. 

Regular drinking can cause damage to your brain both structurally and functionally. Alcohol consumption can cause changes in your brain circuits involved in rewards, stress, and impulse control. 

Quitting alcohol abruptly after heavy usage can lead to acute alcohol withdrawal and put you at risk for medical complications. It is essential for heavy drinkers and those with medical concerns or underlying conditions to get professional medical detox with close 24-hour supervision.

Tobacco: Tobacco is well-known for its ability to cause dependence. Smoking is often the last substance to quit in rehab centers. Tobacco use has deadly health consequences. Nicotine increases the production of adrenaline and dopamine. The increase of this combination creates a sweet spot for cravings. The effects can be so strong they can wake you in the middle of the night, demanding more nicotine. Physical and mental withdrawal symptoms make it difficult to quit.

Drugs: Illicit drugs and prescription medications can both lead to dependence. Drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines are often the first to come to mind. However, prescription medications are abused more commonly than illicit drugs. It is easy to start taking a prescription medication as prescribed and find it no longer provides the original level of relief at the specified strength.

Drug dependence can lead to health problems. It can also impact every area of your life, from personal relationships to job performance. You can also experience cognitive and mental health problems. Your finances will eventually suffer as well. 

Behaviors: We don't usually think of behaviors as addictive. However, behaviors can lead to significant disruptions in your life. They can cause relationship problems, financial issues, and even health problems. The most common addictive behaviors are gambling, shopping, and video gaming. These compulsive behaviors light up the same parts of the brain as illicit drugs. They give you the same kind of feeling as using drugs, and the reward reinforces the behavior. The feeling of winning or finding a deal can be addictive.

Food: We think of food as a necessity for life. It is a source of nutrition our bodies need. However, even a good thing like food can become harmful. You can suffer from serious medical and mental health issues from using food in unhealthy ways. 

Food is a common coping tool. It can temporarily stave off stress and emotional pain. Some consequences of using food to cope are chronic pain, obesity, depression, and anxiety

The foods that tend to be most calming and comforting are also extremely high in fat, salt, and sugar. In fact, food manufacturers create just the right balance of fat, sugar, and salt in a lab for each product to find the "sweet spot" where your body gets confused and doesn't know when to stop eating. 

Food manufacturers aren't interested in your physical and emotional health. They are only interested in creating a product that will make a profit. Unfortunately, their manufacturing practices create products that cheat and use your brain's reward system against you. As a result, you compulsively continue to eat even if you aren't hungry and don't have your brain's help telling you when to stop. 

Working with an addictions counselor in California can help you overcome all these types of addiction in a way that fits who you are and in a comfortable way for you to live your life. Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process it is an individualized experience based on what is most important to you and what you want you want your life to be like when addiction isn't getting in your way.

Scrabble tiles spell out ADDICTION TREATMENT on a wooden table. for online addiction treatment.

There is always a reason for becoming dependent. It doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Being addicted often comes with other life issues. Relationship problems, anger, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, grief and loss often accompany addictive behaviors. Everyone has their own unique mix of circumstances that got them where they are and everyone has their own ideas of what they want their life to look like without addictions running the show.

A connection exists between dependence and different areas of your life experience. Professional psychotherapy services that takes into account the emotional, physical and social factors that play a role in becoming dependent is more likely to be successful. Emotional experiences are often an underlying cause for substance use and other addictions. For instance, undue stress, burnout or trauma are common precursors. Undiagnosed mental health issues can also lead to substance use.

What is online addiction treatment for substance abuse?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people struggling with addictions. Substance abuse is a significant problem in the United States, and finding the help you need can be challenging. Traditional rehab programs can be expensive and time-consuming. You may not have access to a traditional rehab program within a reasonable distance.

There is a common misconception that living an addicted life is a choice and that those who struggle with substances are weak-willed. The stereotype of weakness could not be further from the truth. 

Addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that requires professional care. Unfortunately, many people who need counseling do not receive it because they do not have access to or cannot afford a traditional program in a facility.

Online addiction treatment removes all these barriers. It's convenient and affordable. It can be done from home and does not require a huge time commitment. You make the schedule to fit your availability and your therapeutic needs. You can meet for sessions where you feel comfortable and have the privacy needed to speak freely. There's no need to spend time battling traffic to travel to a counseling office. You also won't be seen coming and going from a mental health facility.

Virtual counseling can be helpful if you are struggling to maintain sobriety and want to get help but don't want to attend a traditional rehab program. Your personalize program can be tailored to your specific needs.

What's the difference between in-person and online addiction treatment?

The most significant difference is that you don't have to go to a specific location to receive in-person services. With virtual counseling, you can receive help virtually from anywhere in California.

Studies show that the outcome is the same with telehealth as with in-person services.

Instead of face-to-face individual or group sessions where you share your experience, with teletherapy, you have personalized individual counseling based on your personal needs. 

Working with a professional counselor virtually is accessible, convenient, cost-effective, and totally private. You can find the kind of support you want with an addictions counselor in California.

The word addiction highlighted in pink in an online addiction counselor book.

Working with a counselor can help you live the life you want.

What are the benefits of online addiction therapy?

Why should I try online addiction therapy?

Virtual psychotherapy offers all of the benefits of traditional in-person sessions but is more accessible. It also allows you to receive professional support at home or wherever you feel comfortable. Choosing your own location can be especially helpful if you struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders. It is common for mental health disorders to go hand in hand with substance abuse. Online therapy for addiction recovery gives you flexability and a more choices.

  • It's easier to stay committed to your recovery when attending virtual sessions is convenient.
  • It's is easier to fit into your schedule.
  • It is discrete and secure and protects your anonymity.
  • There is no travel involved.
  • There is no requirement to participate in group activities.
  • You can choose to attend sessions where you feel most comfortable.
  • When you work virtually with an addictions counselor in California, you expand the number of therapists you have to choose from, instead of choosing a local therapist who happens to have availability. With more therapists to choose from, you have a better chance of finding a good therapeutic fit.
Woman with a laptop working with an online addiction therapist sitting on a white couch.

You can work on your recovery with a professional counselor from the comfort of your own home.

Therapy: Adult Services

What is it like to work with an online addiction therapist for individual therapy?

What makes attending individual therapy virtually different is instead of visiting a facility several times a week for services, you can get help without leaving your home. You can connect with your online addiction counselor through secure, HIPAA compliant video chat from your computer or mobile device.

Your sessions will be unique to you, not a one-size-fits-all manualized program. We will tailor your plan to your needs and the lifestyle you want and address your concerns. You help build the timeline based on where you are now, your goals and where you want to be when counseling ends. You choose your own support recovery team to help you through the process. Your team can include friends, family members, medical professionals and outside group programs.

Each online therapy for addiction recovery session will build on the previous session and address the experiences you have between sessions. We will track your progress, review what has been working well and find different solutions to things that are not a good fit. There is no reason to suffer through things that don't fit with who you are and who you want to be. You can overcome your addictions on your own terms.

You are in charge of how long services last. You decide what behavioral changes you want to make. There is no set curriculum to complete, so you are the one who directs your progress and how you want to be supported. Everything is custom-designed for you.

A happy family smiline with their arms around each other after online therapy for addiction recovery.

You are worthy and have value.

You are valuable, and you can recover. You do not have to deal with your dependence on your own. A licensed counselor can support you through the process. You can sort things out and get back to living life on your terms.
Dependence is a symptom. Your craving and its impact on your life are telling you to get help. You are worth helping. You deserve support. 

When "something" has control over you to the point that it interferes with your life in a significant way you are addicted. It could impact your relationships, your ability to work, concentrate, provide for yourself and your family or keep a daily schedule.

In short, "something" is messing with your life in a way that controls you, disrupts your life, takes your time, and causes you harm. Your "something" could be alcohol, drugs, work, nicotine, gambling, food, shopping, gaming, pornography, or any number of things. No matter what disrupts your life, you can regain control and live on your terms with virtual substance use support.

Dependence on substances always has a reason. It doesn't happen in a vacuum. It often comes with other life issues. Relationship problems, anger, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, grief, and loss often accompany substance dependence. Everyone has their own unique mix of circumstances that got them where they are, and everyone has their ideas of what they want their life to look like without substances running the show.

A connection exists between substance use and different areas of your life experience. Recovery that takes into account the emotional, physical, and social factors that play a role in becoming dependent are more likely to be successful. Emotional experiences are often an underlying cause of substance use and dependence. For instance, undue stress, burnout, or trauma are common precursors to dependence. Undiagnosed mental health issues can also lead to substance use. Online therapy for addiction recovery can help you unravel all the parts of your addiction and address them so you can become the best version of yourselves.

Consider the physical side of dependence. Many addictions run in families and have a genetic component. Stress also plays a biological role. Addressing cravings and strategies for physical health creates a smoother transition to sobriety. If you have a physical dependency, you may need additional help from a medical professional to support detoxification and handle withdrawal symptoms.

Take a close look at your social environment. Where you spend your time and who you spend it with strongly impact your thoughts and behaviors. Choose a social environment that supports you and your recovery. A positive environment can reduce stress, increase confidence, and support your sobriety.

Addressing your underlying issues is crucial for your mental health and recovery. Recovery is about every aspect of your life. It is about building a sustainable lifestyle that fits your needs and how you want to live your life. Personalized psychotherapy for recovery can help you do that.

When most people think about treatment for addictions, they think of the 12-step program process. While that works for some, it is not the best fit for everyone. The 12-step program uses principles that don't fit all circumstances. I use a different approach that is more personalized and discrete, using teletherapy for your recovery.

My approach works well for people who care about their reputation and privacy. My confidential approach can help protect your financial security. If you own your own business or have a high profile in your community, sharing your personal experiences in a group setting could be damaging. Working with a counselor on the internet protects your reputation. When we meet individually using teletherapy, we reduce the risk that someone in your community will learn about your personal issues.

With online therapy for addiction recovery, the added confidentiality and privacy can help shield you from the judgment of others. They will never see you coming or going to a facility. People you know won't accidentally run into you in a waiting room. In addition, if you don't live in my community, you will not encounter me anywhere either. You will have no accidental exposure risk at all. Instead, I will interact with you privately.

Our therapeutic focus will be on you and you alone. Personalization is key. Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process. We will not waste time on things that are not relevant to you and what you want. We will look for solutions that match your personality, habits and plans for the future. You will never be asked to do something you find uncomfortable. When solutions fit who you are, they are easier to implement. In the long run, solutions that are customized to your life are easier to maintain. When you find what works for you, your sobriety becomes part of who you are.

What your recovery looks like depends on you and your individual needs. We will customize each session to your needs. Whether you abstain completely from a substance or behavior entirely, practice harm reduction, or embrace moderation, is your choice. I will support you in what is right for you and your unique situation. You are in control of your own well-being. Online addiction treatment can help you meet your goals and live the life you want.

Young man who has relapsed with his hand on his face sitting at a table in front of a window with a laptop working with his addictions counselor in california.

Relapses happen. It's okay. You know how to stay sober and can learn from those times when you slip with the support of an online addiction counselor.

Online Therapy for Addiction Recovery: Working with an addictions counselor in California

Recovery is a process. Virtual therapy can help you make your recovery process smoother. Having someone in your corner to support you no matter what happens is essential. Addiction often removes much of your support system. Your therapist can support you through the rough spots and help you stay focused. A therapist who believes in you can help you see yourself as someone who can succeed. 

When you are in addiction recovery, you are working to find what works for you so you can stay sober and live the life you want to live. Most people in recovery are not looking for anything extravagant. The most common things people have told me they want in their life are a healthy relationship with a partner, a healthy family, children who want to spend time with them, a job that pays well enough to survive, a safe place to live, and to feel respected, loved and included, Another common thing I hear from clients is that they want to make a difference in society. These are realistic expectations.

We expect mistakes during the recovery process. They are opportunities to learn. With support, your mistakes can help you see what you want and what your life will look like in recovery. You can find unique ways that help you stay sober , even in the most difficult situations. They key is to build solutions that fit with who you are as a person. Custom solutions work better than generic ones since the answers are different for everyone. There will be ups and downs along the way. With professional support, you can ride the waves to recovery.

Relapse isn't necessary for recovery, but it can happen. I prefer to think of relapses as slips. They can renew your commitment to your recovery process and help you see more clearly what you want. Everyone slips up from time to time. No matter what type of slip-up, all are valid ways of learning.

If going to addiction and mental health counseling in person doesn't fit with your situation, consider online therapy for addiction recovery. You don't have to live in a rural or underserved area to take advantage of online addiction therapy. It is available to everyone. When you choose to work with an online addiction counselor, you open up your potions. You create the opportunity to work with a therapist who supports you in a way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. 

It is possible to overcome addiction. You have what it takes. If you are looking for an addictions counselor in California, I would be honored to support you as you discover what works for you and build the life you want to live. I will always treat you with respect. You deserve that. I will never look down on you for thoughts, behaviors, or mistakes. Instead, we will explore them together to see what you want to do differently in similar situations that may come up in the future. 

You deserve to live a physically and emotionally healthy life. Online therapy for addiction recovery can help you improve your well-being. 

Rachelle’s Address and Phone

111 Bank Street, #199
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 263-1413

LMFT #119841

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Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, therapist, and counselor providing therapy, counseling, coaching to children, teens, millennials, xennials, professionals, entrepreneurs for anxiety, stress, self esteem, addiction, alcohol and substance abuse, codependency/codependent relationships, dating, heartbreak/breakups, perfectionism, people pleasing and setting boundaries. LMFT counseling and therapy in Placer County near Auburn, Applegate, Colfax, Lincoln, Meadow Vista, Roseville, Rocklin and Weimar. LMFT counseling and therapy in Nevada County near Nevada City, Grass Valley, North San Juan, Washington, Rough and Ready, Cedar Ridge, Chicago Park, Alta Sierra, Lake of the Pines, Lake Wildwood, and French Corral.

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