Online Couples Therapy
Relationship Counseling Online Couples Counseling in California, Nevada, and Florida

You can strengthen your relationship and work on healing relationship issues with online couples counseling.
Online couples therapy can make it easier to fit therapy into your busy life. Navigating relationship challenges can be overwhelming. Understanding what is happening when you are in the thick of things can be difficult. Worse yet, facing relationship problems alone can be daunting and feel futile. You recognize you need help. But you feel that obstacles are in the way — adding to the challenges you are already experiencing.
One major obstacle is navigating the logistics of getting started with counseling. Worrying about scheduling, who will watch the kids, and how you will both be in the same place at the same time can increase stress in your relationship and make it difficult to move forward and get help. Working with a therapist online eliminates all of these issues.
Couples Counseling Online
California - Nevada - Florida
You can get the help you need with your intimate relationship
with online couples therapy.
Perhaps surprisingly, the internet can make all the difficulties of juggling life and working on your relationship easier. Relationship counseling online could be the answer for you. I offer online counseling so you can work on your marriage or relationship from anywhere. Over the past four years, I have seen many couples address their issues online and work on their relationship together without worrying about obstacles associated with in-person therapy.
Many benefits to online couples counseling exist. It can be easier to find a licensed couples therapist who fits your needs if you expand your search to cover the whole state with "couples counseling online California." Your search will significantly increase your choices of online couples therapists. Local results won't limit you. The search term "couples therapy online California" will allow you to find the best online couples therapist for you.
The ease of joining an online therapy session makes being consistent much easier. You can be anywhere with internet access to attend your appointment. You and your partner can even be in different locations. Many couples schedule online therapy during their lunch hour from their private office or in the parking lot at work in their car. You don't need childcare for online therapy, so you will not have the headache of finding a sitter. Syncing schedules and calculating travel time is no longer an obstacle. Some couples stay at work late and miss the traffic to use that time to work on their relationship. Either way, you will have no rushing or additional stress to get to my office. You can arrive online calm and ready to start.
You can do relationship counseling online in the comfort of your own home. Navigating relationship challenges at home virtually can be less stressful. Children can play or do homework while you work on communication to improve your relationship. Minor interruptions from time to time are no problem. Babes in arms are welcome.
An additional benefit to online couples therapy is privacy. When you meet with me online, no one in my waiting room will see you. If you live in a different part of California than me, you will not bump into me at the grocery store. Your life and your relationship are private. No one will inadvertently discover that you have been struggling. Unless you want them to know, no one will learn that you are seeking support.
Online counseling sessions are a convenient way to help you strengthen your relationship and create an inspiring vision for your future together. You can work on increasing your bond, deepening trust, and how to have productive discussions instead of arguments. Many couples come to online therapy to communicate better, resolve disagreements, and work on polyamorous and ethical non-monogamous relationships. You can address complicated issues such as infidelity and co-parenting in online counseling sessions.
Working on your relationship is important. When you cultivate deeper connections you can can positively affect your individual mental health. As your connection deepens, it will positively affect your other relationships, including those with your children and extended family. When you are happier in your relationship, you can connect with others better.
When your relationship runs smoothly, you may find issues like stress, anger, disappointment, depression, and anxiety decrease. At the same time, your feelings of becoming a team will row. Partners who function as a team and respect individuality find it easier to find balance in their relationship. When you're happy with your relationship and communicating well, your happiness spreads throughout your life.

Solution Focused Approaches for Relationship Issues: Cultivate deeper connections
Understanding communication styles plays a crucial role in finding solutions when navigating relationship issues. Each of you brings your own unique way of expressing yourself to the relationship. Recognizing and respecting your communication differences helps avoid conflict and come to a mutually agreed-upon solutions.
Staying focused on solution-focused approaches for relationship issues helps avoid pitfalls leading to confrontation and arguments. Instead, you can work together to improve your relationship.
A solid foundation for building a stronger connection begins with an inspiring vision for your future together. By emphasizing the positive aspects of your relationship and acknowledging each small improvement as you move forward together, you can increase your sense of connection and teamwork and continue healing relationship issues.
By staying solution focused, you can tap into your empathy and show genuine curiosity about each other's perspectives. Collaborative problem-solving brings couples together. Solution focused therapy with couples can help you see your relationship differently, connect, and move forward together.
By exploring new ways of communicating and interacting with one another, you can cultivate deeper connections and create lasting solutions to relationship issues. Embracing a solution focused perspective opens up possibilities and creates an atmosphere of cooperation and togetherness. With this mindset shift, it is easier to co-create as partners and build a fulfilling relationship based on understanding, respect, and continuous improvement.
Solution Focused Therapy for relationship issues stands out from manualized therapy approaches in its unique emphasis on solutions rather than problems. Manualized therapies (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), etc.) often follow a structured protocol focusing on diagnosing and treating specific issues step by step using the manual to dictate the treatment. Solution Focused Therapy encourages clients to build their own solutions that fit who they are, what they want, and their lifestyle.
Build an inspiring vision of what you want your relationship to be in Solution Focused Therapy helps you move your partnership to the next level. As you co-create solutions collaboratively with your therapist using your strengths, resources, and past experiences you can become more connected as a team.
The solution focused approach is highly empowering for couples. When you work together to find mutually beneficial solutions, you cultivate deeper connections. The process shifts the focus away from dwelling on past problems and towards envisioning a positive future with customized solutions you both resonate with.
Solution focused therapy with couples can help you make shifts in your way of being together. No matter what kind of issue you want to overcome in your relationship, a solution that works for both of you can be reached. Solutions create together tend to be more effective than those suggested by one person and accepted by the other.
Solution Focused Therapy is client-centered. As a couple, your relationship is the client. Everything about you as a couple is unique and taken into account throughout the therapy process. Unlike manualized approaches that may have pre-determined interventions for various issues, Solution Focused Therapy allows for flexibility and customization based on an inspiring vision, unique strengths, views, values, situation, and goals combined as a couple. This approach can lead to sustainable changes in relational dynamics beyond merely addressing current relationship symptoms or surface-level conflicts.
Identifying what you want your relationship to look like is the first step towards healing relationship issues. This part of Solution Focused Couples Therapy involves envisioning the kind of dynamic, communication style, and level of intimacy you desire with your partner. You reflect on your relationship's values, needs, and goals to clarify what truly matters and set a clear, detailed direction for a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.
You build your combined vision for your relationship on open communication, the desire to work together, and negotiating compromises as necessary. Honest conversations about your ideal relationship scenario with your partner paints a shared vision that meets your needs and aspirations. This process is an opportunity for growth and connection and for building a solid foundation for your future together.
Understanding communication styles in relationships is crucial for creating harmony and teamwork. You both bring unique qualities to the partnership, shaped by your upbringing, life experiences, and personality. When you recognize, accept, and value these differences, you can use your strengths and talents to complement each other and create a powerful partnership.
Subtle changes in relationships often go unnoticed. It's these seemingly insignificant shifts that are the tiny sprouts from the seeds of transformation you planted. The key to continued change and cooperation is to notice the little things that are changing. Using solution focused approaches for relationship issues and implementing solutions while deliberately focusing on seeing change, you can gain valuable insights into the underlying dynamics that shift as your relationship improves.
Each fleeting gesture, every change in tone, and even a slight shift in body language can offer clues about what lies beneath the surface of the shifts you are making together. Whether you notice a change in communication patterns or are catching yourself before you say something you may regret later or notice yourself paying attention to little things that are changing, small details can be instrumental in building the close relationship you want. In time, you'll naturally have a heightened sense of observation and the ability to see opportunities to cultivate deeper connections and understanding that you never noticed before.
As you both notice subtle shifts, you will see how to create space for meaningful conversations. It will become more natural to implement solutions that keep you on the path to a healthier relationship. You will notice different positive things that strengthen your relationship popping up along the way, like wildflowers. Mutual respect and empathy create a willingness to see beyond the obvious and welcome change as partners on a journey towards a happier, healthier relationship.
What if one of us isn't sure about couples counseling?
It's easier to get started when both of you are interested in counseling. However, it's extremely common that one of you is more invested in therapy than the other. If you're the more invested one, let your partner know how important it is to you to work on your relationship. Take the time to listen to their concerns. Let them know that solution focused approaches for relationship issues are respectful to both partners and see you as a team.
A common concern is that the counselor will take sides, focus on what they are doing wrong, and put them down. One foundational principle of counseling is that the client is the relationship, not each of you as individuals. The therapist's job is to work on what's best for the relationship and not focus on individual work. I make an effort to maintain a level of equality. Each person has a chance to answer every question and share their viewpoint and ideas. The goal is to maintain a balance and improve communication.
Another common obstacle is a busy schedule. Relationship counseling online is an option that makes it easier to fit therapy into your busy life. You can join sessions from anywhere with privacy. Many couples make appointments during their lunch break and join at their private office or from their car. Others meet at the end of their workday and skip the heavy traffic. They get home faster after the session.
When your partner agrees to attend counseling with you, let them know how much you appreciate their willingness to give it a try. Growing deeper relationships can be intimidating at first. Once you've signed up for your first session, you can relax and wait for the counselor to do their job and create a safe environment.
What should we expect in an online couples counseling session?
Creating an inspiring vision
When you decide to get counseling, you usually wonder about several things. Having questions is especially true for online couples counseling. Counseling with two people is different than working individually. There are some questions that are common when navigating relationship challenges, especially when you will be working online.
Couples and marriage counseling might seem intimidating at first, so a comfortable setting can set you at ease. When you're in a difficult place in your relationship, you need to feel safe so you can make personal decisions to enrich your relationship.
It is normal to feel a bit awkward when you begin healing relationship issues. I'll do my best to make you comfortable. All relationships go through times where partners feel misunderstood and disconnected. I'll never judge you.
The purpose of relationship therapy is to find balance, creating an inspiring vision, cultivate deeper connections, get on the same page, and move forward together. Solution focused approaches for relationship issues helps you work together with questions that help you see your relationship growing the way you want it to.

Some common questions about relationship counseling online:
Will we be able to talk openly?
Couples therapy is a structured environment where you each take turns sharing your hopes, views, experiences, and ideas. I intend to create a safe place where you feel comfortable expressing yourself and discussing the kind of relationship you want to build together.
However, I will not facilitate situations that turn into yelling matches or a series of attacks. We will spend our time talking about your relationship in a productive way.
How often will we meet?
The short answer is, It all depends on what works for you and your partner. Typically couples begin by meeting once a week. Choosing appointments that work for both of you depends on your work hours, availability, finances, and how long you want to work on changes between sessions.
Many couples meet once a week at the same time at first and switch to every other week when they start to feel more stable. There are other options. Some couples have busy schedules, so we schedule around their commitments. Some prefer to schedule several weeks ahead, while others schedule after each session. I make an effort to be as flexible as possible.
While navigating relationship challenges, will our counselor
be able to help us solve our problems?
Psychotherapy is not a cookie-cutter experience. I will do my best to facilitate a conversation that helps you find unique solutions that fit your situation. It is up to you to choose what works. I expect you to be clear about what you want to pursue.
Although every couple's experience may be different, here are some things you can generally expect in an online couples counseling session:
First, both you and your partner will need internet access and a computer with a webcam to join our virtual session. You can join the session on the same computer, or you can join on your own computer from separate locations. Many couples prefer to meet during lunch when they won't need to arrange for child-care or be thinking about dinner plans.
You'll need a private location where you can talk without being heard by others or disturbed. I often see clients who are in their car for privacy, or in a private office. Your sessions last the traditional 50 minutes, and you'll be able to communicate with me and your partner through a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.
I will start your first session by asking about your best hopes for our time together. We will explore what you want your relationship to look like when things are going well. I will ask questions based on your responses.
Your video sessions will be designed with your unique needs in mind. They can stand on their own or continue where we left off in the previous session. It's up to you. We will always address what is most important to you at the moment and go from there. Some clients like to start with how things went the previous weekend, others begin with what went well, and some want to discuss a difficult conversation they had and how they want to address the subject differently in the future.
How can we tell if therapy is working?
First, you should both feel comfortable in your session. If you don't, speak up. Therapists need feedback. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. Please tell me what you need. If one or both of you are uncomfortable with the direction we're going, let me know. There are several approaches we can take. We can always reassess, develop a new plan and make changes.
Therapy is a fluid process intended to meet your needs. There is no set program we must follow. When you are forthcoming, we can have useful conversations that move you towards the relationship you want. Of course, some therapists just aren't going to be the right fit, and that's okay too — that's why you should shop around a bit before settling down with one person.
If therapy is working, you should start noticing some little things changing and maybe even something big. You might start thinking about your partner differently. You could notice more feelings of empathy. The voice in your head may remind you of things about your partner that you don't always remember. You may find yourself feeling calmer and more understood. Many couples start to feel closer as a result of cultivating deeper connections.
Every couple notices different things, but there will be clues. Navigating relationship challenges often flow naturally and changes are congruent with who each of you are.
What kinds of results should we expect from online couples therapy?
It depends on why you're coming to therapy. Even among couples seeking similar outcomes, results vary. One of the most common reasons romantic partners start treatment is communication. Some partners come to therapy to "save" their relationship. That's a tall order, but it is entirely possible. I've seen relationships heal from some pretty difficult things. However, I cannot make any promises.
There are so many moving parts. Relationships are complicated. My job is not to "fix" or "save" people or relationships. No therapist can "save" a relationship. That's on you. My job is to open up the conversation and shine a light on different areas so you can make the best decisions for your relationship and find an inspiring vision together. Sometimes that decision is to remain friendly, live separately, and work on co-parenting.
Therapy is not manipulative. I will never tell you what to do or not do. I will ask you lots of questions to help you think about things differently and find solutions that work for you. If you're both committed to working to improve your relationship, it's a win-win situation. You get to decide together how your improved relationship will look.
Sometimes progress is hard to measure, but if you keep an eye out for little details, you will most likely see changes. It may be a shift in your tone of voice, a small kindness, or a tiny behavior change. Just keep looking. Progress is progress, and every little bit adds up.
Solution Focused Couples Counseling Online:
California, Nevada, and Florida
I am licensed to practice marriage and family therapy in California, Nevada, and Florida. If you are located in any of these states, I can work with you. I know it can be difficult to find a therapist who works with couples.
You can't get solution focused results if you don't know where you want to end up. Knowing the importance of communication in relationships is a good place to start, but there's more to it than that. The outcome you are hoping for is central to the process. Solution focused approaches for relationship issues starts with clarifying what you both want your relationship to look like.
We will start by discussing what you really want. Knowing where you're going before you leave for a vacation is a good idea. The same is true for therapy. You need a destination. Once you figure out where you want to be, you can plan your journey.
Friendship Counseling
Friendship therapy is much the same as couples therapy minus the conversations about romance and running a household together. Adult friendships can get complicated and create challenges. Life is busy. Responsibilities for work and family can get in the way of staying connected. Online friendship therapy can help you mend, maintain, or deepen your valuable friendships.
It's always a good idea to improve your relationships. Friendships are a big part of your life and deserve the attention they need to thrive. After all, we need different kinds of relationships to build a fulfilling life.